How to Write Product Description that Drive E-Commerce Traffic

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In this booming era of modern technology. People are becoming more prone to purchasing products online. It doesn’t matter what sort of brand they might be choosing; they blindly trust all e-commerce options, which enables them to hit that checkout button in no time. But do you ever wonder, what makes them so confident about going shopping online? How can they put so much confidence in a website that lacks a physical store? They might not even know whether it exists or not.

Product descriptions are made to cater to you and for driving web traffic to expand the customer base. It creates a win-win situation for both marketers and customers. But unfortunately, not every digital marketer can create a product description that is both unique and enthralling at the same time. According to a report submitted by a group of e-commerce professionals, 20% of purchase failures online arise due to misleading or inadequate product descriptions.

As per research “Global Forecast for Wigs and Extension Market for 2018-2023 will surge up to $10 Billion”. Why is this so? Because wigs’ online stores like Zayn Ting are writing magnificent sales copies that are appealing online customers to buy wigs and extensions.

Product descriptions help in giving out all specific details about a particular product or service in a compelling way. It’s like a marketing copy that dignifies what a product has to offer and why it’s worth purchasing. Online Human hair wigs stores are the best example of product descriptions.

Your aim here should be towards crafting product descriptions that not speak highly of the product but also influence customers’ purchase decisions driving more sales and leads. Therefore, if you require help, then this blog is the perfect solution for you. Read on the tips given below to level up your product description game:

1) Get to Know your Target Audience

A mid-aged woman won’t be interested in reading out a product description for outfits designed for teenage girls. Your target audience needs to be sorted out first, so your product reaches the right customer. Create the best product description that directs your audience and reaches them personally. Address them in the third person by using the words “you,” which will make it look like you are starting up a conversation with them.

Get to know the demographics and conduct research about the behavior. What they like and dislike, also the kind of humor they would appreciate. What words would they adore and enjoy and what sort of words would be a turn-off. Invest a considerable amount of time doing this because this segment has the power of making or breaking your product description writing services.

2) Emphasize Benefits Over Features

When writing a product description, always prioritize on writing product benefits rather than giving out fancy features. Flattery or bragging about a product won’t work here. Your audience is investing their valuable time in your branding, hoping to find favorable solutions to their problems. It’s your job to cater to their relevant needs, preferences, and needs accordingly.

List all the important benefits your product can provide to all the valuable customers. Potential buyers don’t care about mundane features and specs; all they care about is whether your product will work out for them or not. Even if you are motivated towards describing all relevant features, then make sure to point out the perks of each feature. Convey your products in a way that helps your audience recognize the plus points of it and how they can utilize it to solve their problems.

3) Create Amazon Product Description

Selling your product on a vast platform like Amazon, will be a smart thing to do. Amazon happens to be an Internet Giant, and according to studies, amazon prime members tend to spend around $1.4k each year. Curating a killer Amazon product description by injecting creativity, uniqueness, and quality with all relevant Amazon algorithms will persuade customers to purchase your products in a compelling way. 

Hence, writing a product description for this prestigious website and marketing on this website would do wonders for your website.

4) Delve Into your Readers Imagination

It’s been proven by scientific research, that people are more inclined towards making a purchase when they hold the product in their hands. The touch, feel, and even testing the product out there can influence purchase decisions to a certain degree. But in an online business, you are selling products online, which means your web visitors can’t hold your product. So what options do you have apart from writing compelling product descriptions? Hmmm, I think videos and colorful images can be a big help. Bring your reader’s imagination to life by incorporating vivid imagery of your products and creating content that is meaningful in every way.

Try writing the word. Imagine every time you start a sentence. This will immediately trigger users mind towards imagining favorable scenarios which will let them picture themselves owning and using your product in interesting ways.

5) Tell Intriguing Stories

The art of nailing a killer product description is cutting through rational barriers. Too much, rational information gets boring to some extent. Incorporate engaging, meaningful, and inspiring stories. Tell them what inspired you to make this product, what obstacles you overcome, and how did you get here. Tell you the story in a uniquely humorous way; there is no need to get all serious. When buyers get to know your journey, they won’t feel hesitant to purchase from you.

Be creative as much as you can because:

A: Repetition is monotonous.
B: Exhaustive wordy content won’t lure in more customers.
C: Plain old content won’t trigger your audience to keep coming back for more.

Wrap Up

Investing time, effort, and energy in creating useful product descriptions will never let you down. Apart from driving sales up to the skies, product descriptions are also crucial for driving traffic to websites and reaping SEO benefits. Be as creative as you could be, but do not leave out the necessary details. Also, it’s essential to address the right audience, or else your efforts would get thrown out the window. If you’re a newbie who lacks knowledge on making provocative product descriptions, then there are numerous content writing services available online.


About the Author:

Cameron is a professional content marketer with years of experience in writing and editing for Content Scribblers. As a core member of the team, he has managed to help many businesses and influences by producing quality content for them. Other than writing, he is also a tech wiz and a gamer who likes to spend his long nights taking down his arch-rivals in the digital universe.